Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It has been a WHILE !!

One of my favorite pictures from Roice's 1st Birthday! I will post more about her party soon :)
It has been so long since I have posted anything, but I promised myself I would get back into this after Roice's first birthday which was already nearly two months ago! I have probably ten unfinished drafts to attach pictures to and countless other things I feel like documenting for Roice...better late then never right! It should be easier now because my sweet baby has finally decided that it is acceptable to put herself to sleep at a decent this mommy some free time at night. WOW what a difference that has made in my day! After a year of having a baby up until midnight I really forgot what it was like to have this time...and let me tell you I will never take it for granted again! Roice is also sleeping more than two hours at a time, more like six hours now which has also made me a much happier person! The two combined has been pretty much a game changer! I feel like a whole new girl :) I guess that means I can start thinking about number 2 right !? lol.

trying to sleep of a bad cold 
Anyways Roice has been doing really well minus a cold and a poor reaction to her last set of shots, but as always she was a trooper. She took her first steps right as she turned ten months and then took off from there! She is practically running now, although it looks much more like a peguin running than a human, very adorable though! She is getting smarter by the minute, the other day i walked into her bedroom to find her trying to put on her socks. She is so cute she always trys to help my put her cloths on hangers and put away dishes...pretty much anything i am doing she is by my side trying to help. She says bye bye and waves but it comes out more like "beh beh beh" and the waves are like half waves. She figured out months ago that when duchess barks, that usually means someone is at the door. More recently she knows that duchess barking plus a diesel truck driving up means DADDYS HOME and she heads for the garage door :) It really blows my mind how smart these little people are !

Roice in her jogging stoller for our first race :)
Roice and I also got to run our first race together last weekend! Billings throws a huge womens run every year and and a lot of people do it with strollers so I thought it would be a fun one to try out! My dad decided it would be best to sign me up for the 5 mile rather than the 2...about 1.5 miles in I was really not happy about that! Roice did really well for the first three miles and then spent the last two screaming at me, so that was great motivation to keep running! I am looking forward to getting out with her more often now that the weather is so awesome.

Be back soon :) This blog will just be a little spiratic for the first while...hopefully I can get caught up!