Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Gigi and Popi

Gigi and popi came to visit this last week, and as always if was far too short. Having my mom here always feels like such a tease, I forget it is how nice to have a her around and as soon as I get used to it she is gone again! But it was so nice to have them, Roice and been asking for Gigi and Popi since they left.

We had really nice weather pretty much the whole time they were here and got to go on some good walks, Roice walked over a mile pushing her little baby stroller! My mom even managed to find some wild mushrooms growing on the side of the road right down from our house...she is such a nut!

 My mom also has some odd trick to get my kids to eat and had Link downing bowls of baby food. In my many attempts he has never eaten well for me, before or after her visit! I wish i knew her secret!
Linkin lovin on gigi
Roice lovin on gigi

Roice had gigi writing names

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf

This halloween, for the first time, I actually put some thought and effort into costumes. My efforts ended up being in vain because halloween day was freezing and beyond windy so we never went out! We did go to the trunk or treat at our church, but could only handle the weather for about five minutes!

Not to worry though! I dressed the kids up and got some ADORABLE pictures of them in their costumes, making it all worth while. Roice made the most beautiful Little red riding hood, and Linkin made a pretty mean wolf. I have to get the corny themed costumes in while I can, at some point they will be old enough to realize how uncool it is!
For Roice, I crocheted her a hooded cape. While making it I was SO worried that my strong willed little girl would refuse to wear it, but to my delight she loved it! She sees is as a wearable blanket, and was all snuggled up in it on the couch the night I showed it to her, it was very sweet.

For Linkin I Crocheted this adorable earflap hat with wolf ears. I was planning on just putting him in a grey footy, but instead my sister whipped up this amazing fleece outfit, making the costume 100 times better. I just love that little tail!


It was so fun dressing up these two, maybe next year we will get really motivated and try to get the whole family in on the fun :)

Until Next time