Sunday, September 22, 2013

Start where you are!

So once again I am going to try to have a blog. As my post history indicates I have not been able to keep consistent, but I am hoping the third time will be the charm!

It has been almost a year and a half sense my last post and boy have things changed! I hope to get some back dated posts up to fill in that gap a bit but for now we will just "start where we are"

This pretty much sums up the sibling dynamic!
Our family finally made it to church today for the first time in longer than I would like to admit, and Im so glad we did because the talks given where so awesome. One talk was about light, and one of the references she made that stuck with me is to just "start where you are" so I am trying to apply that to a few different aspects of my life that feel important to me right now, including this blog! It is so easy to get behind in things and then feel overwhelmed enough that starting up again doesnt seem worth it. I am trying to fight that feeling!

So anyways, UPDATE TIME! The most exciting news by far would be the arrival of our son, Linkin James. He was born on april 8th, putting him at nearly six months already! (Tear) From day one he has been nothing but the biggest blessing. We could never have expected such an easy going happy little person, he truly is a huge light in our lives :) And even before that, when I was about three months pregnant, Ryan and I bought our first house in August 2012! We have already been in the house a whole year! Crazy how time flies. Of course so much has happened in the last year but I will have pace myself in getting it all out :) This post just serves as my start line!!

Until next time!